
Friday 7 December 2007

wrecking my journal ... part 9

Fluff, paper, card, paint, one of those washing tablet bags thingys, WAX...

I don't normally keep photos of me that I dislike - why keep them if you don't like them? But I found one of me as a "plump" teenager at my school leavers' ball where I just look dreadful! 

Much better! And really very enjoyable indeed!

1 comment:

  1. Hi there,
    Yep, unblocking and growing: essentials for me, right now!
    I ordered a 'Wreck this journal' too, to overcome my annoying prefectionistic tendencies ;)
    Added you in my linklist, if you don't mind. I'm curious how your artjournal will reflect you.
    See ya later, Cheerz!
