
Thursday 3 April 2008

I love pretty things... especially when they're free!

Hubby has a week off work this week, so we've been playing lots of scrabble (hence the lack of blogging) and generally chilling out and having a nice time. It was his birthday on Monday, so we went into the city yesterday so that he could get the trainers he so desperately needed (his current pair have split, causing his feet to get very wet when it rains). We had been meaning to return our toaster for months (as only one side of it worked) and we finally remembered to take it with us. Also, we had a Laura Ashley voucher for Christmas which still had some credit on it, but we kept forgetting to take it with us. This time, we hadn't forgotten anything...

However, when we took the toaster back, we were told that we would have to choose something else, as ours was no longer in stock. We were a bit sad to be honest. All of our kitchen things are very pretty and sort of match, so we regretfully accepted that we would have to get something which wasn't as pretty... but no! There was a pink toaster! Which matched our kettle! Okay, so it was only a two-slice toaster, but that meant that we were able to get something else too. So we got a matching pink kitchen bin! This could not possibly excite you as much as it does us. But I like to share...

Then off we went to Laura Ashley to spend the rest of our voucher. We managed to get a pretty oven glove (above) AND a pretty photo frame, which matches our living room perfectly.

All this, and we didn't even spend any money! Brilliant!


  1. I AM excited about all the pink things! Where did ou get them???

  2. I got the toaster (and kettle, but that was a while ago) and bin from Debenhams (UK). I got the oven glove and picture frame from Laura Ashley (UK). I LOVE that you're excited by the pink things too!

  3. Ohhhh.....are you going to put pink polka dots on them?!?!?!? They are very lovely things :o)

  4. I am glad you had a nice day and yay for besotted husbands who enjoy a shopping day!

  5. i can see sian and sara calling you the pink lady?????? regarding your artwork bee's wax it may crack after a time if you heat wax in a tray and use a brush? wax as it's limitations.TRY a sample first.please could you go and look at (cherub's place)on blog from the neath church. C.O.T.M.great testament.GOD bless you both.

  6. Lovely finds, and no money spent, couldn't get much better!

  7. Love your pink kitchen cute!!
