
Tuesday 15 April 2008

wrapping paper

My new wrapping paper storage! I don't actually keep it on a desk, but the room was far too messy to be photographed! I used to have my wrapping papers falling about in bags and this is a huge improvement. (By the way, that isn't an Apple coffee machine, it's just got an Apple sticker on it.)

I've been busy making cards lately. A friend of mine is getting married this winter and has asked me to do the wedding stationary - what an honour! So I've been working on some sample wedding invitations - I've made about 15 so far. I've been given a colour scheme and a style to work with and I am really enjoying myself! I'll share some pictures with you soon, but not before I've shown the bride herself.

I shall post some more pictures tomorrow - or whenever those awful rechargeable batteries are ready to co-operate!

By the way, thank you for you comments on my drawing. Comments make me smile :o)


  1. That's a nifty idea!!! Mine are all in bags......haha

  2. Mine gets eaten/drawn on/otherwise destroyed by my children. No paper is safe in my house :)

  3. What am amazing idea, I love it. can I borrow that one?
