
Wednesday 28 May 2008

I've got the bug...

I have officially got the scrapbooking bug. I have finally begun making my wedding scrapbook, and this is the first completed page. I have done two other pages, but I need some text on them. I'll show them to you tomorrow (even though they're not finished!). I used to really turn my nose up at scrapbooking, believing that it wasn't 'proper' art. When I was very into selling my handmade cards, I didn't see the point in scrapbooking because it didn't make any money. After pouring hours over designing and making one very special card, I then felt quite sad at the thought that, once it had served its purpose, it would end up in the bin. Which is when I began warming to the idea of scrapbooking: you work hard on making a pretty page; pairing a photograph with a memory, and then you get to put it in an album and look at it again and again. I've kind of gone full circle: now I don't make cards so much because it means parting with something I have made. And, to be honest, not that many people care much about a handmade card. So they are reserved for extra special occasions now. Anyway, back onto the scrapbooking...

(Photographs on this scrapbook page courtesy of Affirmation Photography)

A good friend of ours (and one of my bridesmaids) sang one of my favourite songs at our wedding and I really wanted to include the lyrics to the song on the scrapbook page. I'm really pleased with how this turned out. What a treasure our completed wedding scrapbook will be. Even if I am the only person who will look at it again and again, that is enough for me.

1 comment:

  1. NOW YOU ARE COOKING WITH GAS.keep cooking,great work.
