
Friday 4 July 2008

anyone fancy a cuppa?

I thought I'd show you the pictures I took yesterday of my newly painted cup and saucer in action. We ran out of milk though, so I decided to have peppermint tea instead. It was very enjoyable indeed.

I wanted to show you that the underside of the saucer is also painted - here it is! I'm not a huge fan of ginger biscuits but recently I have really been craving them. I had a craft day with the lovely Sian on Tuesday and what did she offer me as soon as I stepped through the door? A cup of tea and some ginger biscuits! Hurrah for Sian!

Time for a brew, me thinks...


  1. what about a cup for hubby or mug?

  2. Ah it's nice that you think of him! Mr Pippa had a handpainted mug for valentines day so don't worry: he's not being left out :o)

  3. I love this idea! I'd never thought of painting my dishes. I've got a boring little set of white dishes right now that might look a little different in the near future :)

  4. Ar but did Mr P have to pay for it?how did you get on with the wax.

  5. Thanks for your comment! I did gather that you were a Christian from some of the posts on your blog (yes, I've been reading past posts!) and I was pretty excited. I love your blog by the way, it makes me smile :)

  6. Jennelaine: I'm so pleased that my blog makes you smile! That thought makes ME smile!

    POD: How did I get on with the wax? I used the wax ages ago! Don't you remember? Silly Pod!

  7. getting old saw your work with wax i thought you would do more like heating the wax and use bits of card to drag the wax across the canvas or try drawing with tips or again using card of different sizes.good fun.try first with old tubes of to you both and GOD bless. SILLY PODDY

  8. aww they look so nice! and the cookies look delicious ;)

  9. Hey Pip, I was just thinking how i need something as a chill out when the business is stressing me out and I have just had some photos of my graduation sent to me by my mum and then the idea hit me, scrapbooking! I have so many photos lieing in boxes upstairs and so I am going to start scrapbooking! Thanks hun for the inspiration. If you down this way soon maybe me you and crafty lady can have a scrap booking session with cakes and tea?

  10. oh, and p.s.
    love those cups!

  11. and no,
    jesus freak is never a term i would describe myself as.
    for reasons that only become explainable when you know me ;)
    an email would be so much easier!

  12. Fabulous. I've made some cups and saucers in the past. Unfortuantley they never held any kind of liquid. Very useful.

    Love these.

  13. Sa: i can't believe I inspired you! Hurrah for scrapbooking!

    Thank you all for your lovely comments. I shall definitely be doing some more ceramic painting!
