
Wednesday 23 July 2008

hooray for lovely friends

As I explained not long ago, I had to stop making the sock creatures because I had completely run out of stuffing. Look what arrived in the post yesterday afternoon...

...not only the biggest bag of stuffing I have ever seen in my life, but also some googley eyes and some bells and some black felt! Thank you so much Sian! What a wonderful, kind, generous friend you are. If only the world had a few more people like you in it. Thank you :o)

I've been struggling to create anything the past couple of days. I am so so tired. I feel as though I have bulldog clips on my eyes. I've been wanting to make something special for my mum but trying to squeeze creativity from this exhausted brain is like trying to get blood from a stone right now. As I don't really have anything crafty to show you, I will share with you the books I read this month...

I wonder which books I will end up reading next month. 

I am going to put the sewing machine on and get back to making monkeys. Thank you, Sian. I'll have that Etsy shop up and running in no time!


  1. Ha. Bulldog clips on your eyes...this is such a great image...and one I can totally relate to. Hang in there! Someone will come along soon to pry those clips off.

  2. You are welcome sweetie :o)

    Now get the bulldog clips off and get with the sewing!

  3. LOTS OF LOVE TO YOU BOTH. please take a look at channels on. please pass these on.

  4. Hi from the USA....I found you through EDM and think your blog is terrific! Also visited Biscuitmonster and think her blog is another fun place to visit.
    I'm glad Sian sent you the Stuffing. I know a Sian from another group I'm the US...and she is also British. Hmmm..small world?
