
Friday 18 July 2008

the last of the sock creatures

Hello. My name is Gilbert Green and I am a sock monkey. Although I appear to be a solemn character, I enjoy a good satirical comedy as much as the next fellow. I enjoy good wine, good cheese and a good book. I am an excellent listener and enjoy company. My favourite colour is blue. Which is annoying.

No, this is not the last sock creature I will ever make; I have plenty more socks waiting to come alive. But alas, I have now completely run out of stuffing and I don't know when I'll be able to get more. Woe is me! I am hoping to get all of the creatures onto Etsy eventually, but I'm in for a busy few weeks so it will probably be nearer the end of August. I can't believe I'm actually going to have an Etsy shop! I have absolutely NO IDEA what to call it though. I thought of Pippa's Long Stockings (a play on Pippi Longstocking, of course) but I'm not sure. Any ideas? I'm absolutely rubbish when it comes to thinking of names (hence my very dull, but self explanatory blog title!). Argh! Too much pressure! What are your thoughts?

+edit+ I just realised that I never told you how I made these little creatures. I used a pattern similar to the one available on Biscuit Monster (a new fave blog of mine). Although, mine aren't nearly as professional as hers. She actually knows what she's doing!


  1. I love them greatly! I love how everything you try turns out brilliantly. Bring on the Etsy shop. did you know "Etsy" actually stands for "Existential Trading Site of Yemen"? I'm going to have cheese on toast. Fancy some? Actually, it will probably be quicker to ask you in person...

  2. I love love love the name "Pippa's Long Stockings." I'll remember that when I go looking for your etsy.

  3. your sock monkeys are a hit with my grandsons they must be good.

  4. I love this guy!
    And i have to agree with Kimberly -- the name Pippa's Long Stockings... sticks. I too will look for you on Etsy!

  5. Thank you all so much! Your comments mean SO much to me! It looks like it'll be Pippa's Long Stockings then! I amazed I managed to think of something good! Thanks so much for your encouragement.

  6. I think you've caught some personality and attitude in Mr. Green. Great photo shoot.

  7. Please let me know when your shop is open I want 3!

  8. I think your sock monkeys are ACE!

  9. john.p: Thank you!

    Sa: 3?! Thank you! I will certainly let you know when the shop is open.

    jaypeg: That means so much to me! Especially coming from you (the expert!). Thank you :o)
