
Friday 25 July 2008

let the blogging break commence

I think there must be quite a few bloggers taking a blogging break over the summer. Mr Pippa has some time off work, so I thought I'd take this opportunity to take a break and have a go at something else. Not that sketching is new to me, but I just haven't been doing it lately. So when I return I will have lots of drawings to share with you. Well...that's what I'm aiming for anyway.

I'm one of these indecisive souls who can never decide what to draw: whatever I pick never seems to be the 'right' thing. At first, I used the EDM challenges; even then I would find myself wasting time trying to choose a challenge from the long list. Which is why I did this (below). I put challenges 1-100 into a grid; printed them off; chopped them up; put them in a matchbox and...

...voila! I will use this little box of challenges. The rules are thus: whatever challenge is taken from the box (and I must pick one at random, possibly with my eyes closed), that's the one I have to do. Whether I'm in the mood or not. Those are the rules.

If you would like to print off the challenges and make a 'challenge box' like mine, I've uploaded them as an image onto Flickr. Go on. You know you want to.


  1. What a fantastic idea! I'm now going over to your flickr blog to download those charts. :-)

  2. This is a really excellent idea. Thanks for sharing.

  3. That's a very sweet idea. Do you find yourself fighting the rules with all your might? I suspect that's what I'd be doing. Decorating the challenge box itself would be a distraction, for a start ...

  4. Thank-you so much! I've looked through the edm list, but I always get overwhelmed, so in the end nothing comes of it. This ought to help.

  5. stick to it and get them done enjoy.get the graphite's out and go for it you got the skill then use it.

  6. What a great idea! I've been having the same problem myself! I've just started drawing and get intimidated easily by the list...but if I "just do it", things turn out ok. So this is perfect! Thanks!

  7. That's such a nifty idea! That just settles the whole question of what to draw.

  8. How delightful you are to share! I've just had the lovely-est time wandering around your blog. I'm already looking forward to your return (with artwork) at summers end.

  9. This is a great idea!!!! I love it! :)

  10. Whatever it takes to trick yourself into the actual process of creating lol! I know what you mean though I'm sort of undecided most of the time.

  11. I just thought I'd work my way through from one to ____. That way I don't have to choose either. It seems my way is a bit more boring though. Have a good time on your blogging break!

  12. What a cool idea! I'll probably end up doing the contrary of what I picked up in the box, but I'm going to make one anyway! Love that. Thanks for sharing! (off to flickr now)

  13. Hi....Me again...I forgot to comment on your fantastic idea for the EDM challenges. I just signed up with EDM, and finally figured out where to go to get the challenges everyone is talking about and sharing, was immediately overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of them.....and then saw your post! It saved my day and has kept me sane. It is a wonderful idea and I thank you for it!

  14. These are fantastic -- I cut them up too and draw them out of a box. Now the only thing is I need to actually sit down and DO them, haha! :)

  15. seesue: Thank you so much! How lovely to have someone who enjoys my blog. You make me blush.

    e-j: I do find that I want to break the rules, but no! That's not allowed. Although, if I'm meant to draw something that I don't have (like food), then I let myself off. And as for decorating the box - yes I really want to but I'm not sure how to decorate it. I thought I might print off some sketches from my favourite sketchers and stick them on there as inspiration.

    Thank you all so much for your comments!

  16. FABULOUS idea. I want a challenge box too. Gonna make one later. I may never do the challenges, I just want a challenge box.

  17. You're pure genius Pizo ;) xx
