
Monday 6 October 2008

1st birthday giveaway

Nope, it's not Eeyore's birthday today. Today, this blog is one year old. Hooray! Anyone for cake?

It's been an interesting year to say the least. It's been an incredibly hard year, but it's also been a blessed year. And this blog has been one of the biggest blessings.

It was originally my good friend Sian who inspired me to start blogging after seeing her crafty blog Spin a Song of Sixpence. Previously when I would make something, I would have no-one to show it to; it was no big deal if I didn't finish it because no-one would notice. Getting a blog not only made me finish projects (a few projects I would have given up on because I didn't like them to begin with include my snood, my handbag drawing, my crocheting with plarn) because showing you a load of half-finished projects would be a rubbish blog! Also, I tried out so many new things.

Firsts for me while blogging:
  • My first scrapbooking mini album
  • My first scrapbook page
  • My first sock monkey
  • My first badges
  • My first crocheting
  • My first Moleskine
  • My first sale
  • My first shop
and now I have my first giveaway!

What a way to celebrate - free stuff! If you'd like to win some goodies, just leave a comment on this post. The closing date is midnight this Thursday. I'll collect all of the names, put them in a hat and then draw one at random. I'll announce the winner this Friday, 10th October. What do you think? As for what you will win, this book is up for grabs:

And I'm sure I'll find some other bits and pieces to throw in. So, just leave a comment on this post - tell me why you visit my blog. That would be nice.

Thank you to everyone who has ever left a comment - your lovely comments brighten my days and mean so much to me. Thank you to my regular readers and to my passing visitors. This has become a lovely happy place; thank you for making it so. Here's to the next year! Cheers!


  1. Happy Birthday to you
    Happy Birthday to you
    Happy birthday to Arty Life
    Happy birthday to you!

  2. Happy Birthdayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!

    Wooo Wooo Wooo Wooo :D

    Heres to more years to come (:


  3. Happy anniversary! I'm so glad you've found blogging...and blogging has found you. I love looking at your gorgeous items from afar.

  4. To find out about crafting in style
    Or simply to visit a while
    This blog is so funky
    Card, yarn and sock monkeys
    Arty Life just stands out a mile

  5. Hey hey, I'm proud to be a regular reader - I check your blog all the time!! Happy Bloggy Birthday, long may it continue cos we love it!

    I love seeing how God's used your creativity in different ways, I can never predict what will be next and that is so cool!

    Loving IT :) xx

  6. Hihi, same as vix, i am as well a regular here at Arty Life. Although i don't comment all that often, i do love seeing all the new stuff you come up with! Oh, i did not realize that your blog was only 1! For some reason, i was under the impression it had been going onf or a while...

    Hmm, just for kicks really, I visit because you are just so amazingly creative with your pieces ( especially mixed media) and i just love hearing about your new projects!

    Thanks a lot, as you say that your readers comments brighten your day, your posts do the same to me.

    To end this ( too long?) comment, i hope you have a nice day ( or end of.. or etc..)

  7. i visit because i'm a crafty little creature too!

  8. Happy big 1st birthday to you. I wish you the best and look forward to seeing your finished recycled bag. Take care,

  9. Happy Blogoversary! I love reading your blog because you always seem to write with a bit of joy...the same joy I see in your amazing craft projects...down to the packaging!

  10. for a one year old you are amazeing. what will you be doing when you are two.????? you must have welsh blood in you to have all these skills???keep it going.

  11. Hi Pippa,
    Happy blogiversary! I just stumbled upon your blog and it's just lovely. Lucky me to visit you for the first time and discover you're doing a give-away! I have bookmarked you and will be back. congrats, again!

  12. Happy Blog-iversary! Kinda cheeky of me to turn up for the first time on Giveaway day. I love your envelopes and sock monkeys and I'm gonna be a regular visitor!

  13. Oh, wow, Pippa! Congratulations on your first year blogging!! You've accomplished so much!!!! I'm so proud of you and thankful to your dear friend Sian for encouraging you, because now I get to share in the fruits of your creativity with your adorable sock monkey I call Edmund. BIG HUGS!!!! Kim

  14. Kim as fallen for the charm of EDMUND THE MONKEY he as now got his green card no stopping him??????

  15. Pippa this may be o use to you.

  16. Happy Blogday!!!!! I love visiting your blog because there is never a dull moment. Always an eclectic mix...

    Here's to many more blogging years!
