
Wednesday 12 November 2008

the secret is out

So, what is it that I have been working on? Why have I been so reluctant to show you? Well, after the whole 'people-reading-my-mind' thing, I wanted to keep this quiet until I had actually finished them and put them in my shop. And what are they? Neck-warmers! I made one for myself back in March. Back then, I was calling it a snood. Some people would call it a cowl. But most people are confused, so I've decided to go with the unambiguous title of neck-warmer. And what is so different about these neck warmers? I've laced them up with ribbon!

Well? What do you think? I'm really quite excited. I'm excited because no-one else does this. It was my completely original idea (which all stemmed from me not being able to crochet properly) and I am very pleased with it indeed.

This is my 150th post by the way. Fancy that.


  1. Great Do like them may they sell.

  2. Ohh Ohh Ms Pippa! These are WONDERFUL! the red one is just perfect for autumn! And they do look so fuzzy and warm. I feel all excited now, this is another project that simply amazes me!!!

  3. These are really, really, nice. Get them copyrighted or something x

  4. I agree - protect them! :) They're lush. Is there no end to your creative talent girl? xxx

  5. Absolutely gorgeous!! I want to buy one!

  6. Oooo thank you all for your encouragement! I will definitely be making more - I found them so relaxing to make and everyone needs to keep warm in winter so I'm hoping they will sell. Anyone able to offer me any advice on copyright?? I tried reading up on it a while ago but it hurt my head too much!

  7. you have by putting them on your site .again your can put some photos and wright how you made them and post them to yourself and don't open the envelope.and just copyright what you put on you site and shop under each blog. pray this helps.St.Poddy Love to you and Hubby.P.S. Sian is looking for nits and flea's to go with their costumes??????

  8. sadly it isn't copyrightable :( reason being if i made them and changed the 'knit' etc or the way i attach the ribbon they would technically be a different item :(
    As far as the sending something to yourself in the post goes, aparantly it doesn't stand up well in court. The best way is to get a solicitor involved who can then store a photo/copy for you certifying that he saw it at a certain date.
    soz... :( they are cool-ly fluffy though. can't see me wearing one though. But maybe jobey will wear one when it starts to get cold on his patrols?

  9. I don't believe that this sort of intellectual property can be copyrighted. It conveys a different method of doing something that has already been done before.

    Maybe being the first to do something shouldn't be your main objective make beautiful, and I mean, beautiful stuff all round.....while having a fresh idea is exciting, it's not everything.

    That being said:
    These are awesome! I really need something for my neck because the cold winter air causes me to tense up even more making my neck pain worse than it already is. What if I asked for one without ribbon...haha....I'm not a frilly girl...but these are very pretty.

  10. Ohh!! You've been very busy being creative!! These are amazing!! So soft and fluffy and warm!! I love them!!

  11. Jessica: Thank you and you're right - a fresh idea isn't everything. You can indeed have a neck-warmer without the ribbon. I'm in the process of making more, so just let me know if you see one that you want and I can do a ribbon-less one for you.

    Kim: Thank you! :o)

  12. I love your work very much !!!!
    Rini the Netherlands
