
Monday 26 January 2009

some custom orders

I had a custom order for some superhero badges recently. And by some wonderful coincidence, my husband was about to throw out some old comics (and by 'throw out', I mean add to my ever-growing stash of magazines that I'm planning on recycling in a fun way). The two requested characters were Batman and Gambit.

Can you see Batman's belt in the background there? I used a Batman advert for the background paper. Subtle, but cool.

For those of you who don't know, Gambit is a member of the X-Men. He has a thing for playing cards. It was Mr Pippa's genius idea to use a playing card in the packaging (thanks!). Frustratingly, Gambit changes his costume AND his hair. Everyone knows that the first rule of being a superhero is to choose a costume and stick with it. Otherwise, how will anyone recognise you?! We managed to find him in one of the comics, but I think his costume looks much cooler over here.

I also had a Folksy order for some badges. You may not be excited by that, but I was quite pleased with the little free gift I made for this order:

It's the Bible... in Welsh. Cool huh?

And, if you're interested, check out this post by fellow crafter Kitschen Sink - it made me smile.


  1. Hi Pippa order with you for ten Welsh Bible badge's maybe more thanks for swift post sent sat had mon. and again thank's for gift badge.blessyou.

  2. way cool! is the playing card charged with kinetic energy? or would the customer have to add it themselves? (good idea jobey)

  3. Oh another great order, I love the packaging I love the fact you put so much thought into it.

  4. Very cool Pippa, what a great idea. Tell your hubby not to throw out the comics, they will be worth big bucks one day!!

  5. Thanks for the lovely comments. Unfortunately, the comics aren't that old so not even worth what he paid for them originally. But that's fine by me - it means that I can play with them!
    And Matt, the kinetic energy is sold in a separate sachet (of course!).
