
Monday, 9 March 2009

what's in your handbag?

The handbag in question is that red sequin thing in the background. It's falling apart, but I love it. Cost? I think it was about £4 and I got it a few years ago, so it has served me well. It's so pretty, but so unpractical: one massive pocket I often lose a limb in, not at all waterproof, and the strap is so long that I practically have to reach down to the ground to get anything out.

  • 9 pens (5 clicky tops, 4 lidded: all black and all but one are ball-point)
  • 1 mechanical pencil
  •  3 receipts
  • 10 tissues (all unused)
  • mini packet of tissues
  • travel packet of Wet Ones
  • sweet wrapper
  • broken watch (it works, but the strap keeps breaking. I really should take it back)
  • packet thingy of Wrigley's Extra Ice
  • 3 hair bobbles
  • large claw clip
  • 2 small claw clips
  • compact mirror
  • chocolate £100 note... from Christmas
  • purse
  • small Moleskine notebook
  • pink pocket Bible
  • wire bound notebook
  • packet of Fox's glacier fruits (I'm not a huge fan - Mr Pippa got them. I have no idea why I was still carrying them around in my bag)
  • 2 bottles of perfume
  • Burt's Bees lip balm
  • travel bottle of antibac hand gel
  • pink filofax
  • camera (I used Mr Pippa's camera to take these pictures)
  • 250ml bottle cocoa butter moisturiser (WHY do I carry such a massive bottle?! I often grab moisturiser on the way out of the house and then it ends up in my bag. The other day I found two of these bottles in my bag.)
And now, how many hair pins/kirby grips do you think I had? Go on, have a guess. I'll tell you after a few guesses.

So that's my bag. Conclusion: I need a more organised bag! Perhaps I'll start looking out for one for my birthday. Have you found the perfect bag? Where can I find it?

So, what does my bag say about me? And what does your bag say about you? If you're reading this, consider yourself tagged and tell me about the contents of your bag. 

+edited 12th March
I had 17 kirby grips. The thing is, I only ever wear one in my hair, so why so many?! Perhaps I'm scared of not having any on the one day I need one, so I drop a couple into my bag before leaving the house. Perhaps.


  1. deserve some kind of an award for carting all of this around. Love the way you describe the process of trying to find something in there. I can so relate!

  2. That is a big bottle of moisturiser!

    I'm going to guess at 23 kirby grips...

    Crikey ou carry a lot. I may do too... I'll do this later I'm quite excited!

  3. What are you ladies like. Now men carry everything in their pocket's, ask Mr Pippa and just see what comes out of his pocket's.????????????????????????

  4. am guessing 15 grips?
    Also just for you to have the insider knowledge.... come closer.... there is no such thing as a perfect bag... that's why I have 50! rofl
    Tell Mr pippa You need a charity shop trawl for a few new ones for different purposes. You always find fab cast offs in charity shops and half the time they are 1 or 2 pound

  5. Oooo Sa you were the closest - I had 17 :o)

    I used to have over 100 handbags! That was a few years ago and I had very different priorities then (no bills to pay!) but I got rid of them all and I'd quite like to just own one everyday handbag which will meet all of my needs. Hmmm yeah, asking a bit much there!

  6. Oh thanks so much for taking part, I can not believe how much you carry I thought I was bad, your shoulder must be in so much pain.
    I carry hair bands and my hair is a bob so how does that make sense.
    Love it all xx

  7. oh my word - you are one prepared gal, pippa!
