
Monday 20 April 2009

it's been quiet

It's been quiet on the creative-front the last week. I can't remember the last time I felt SO awful. Flu is one thing, but flu with ME? And then tonsillitis?! That's one of the (many) annoying things about ME - you can't just push on through it (as some 'professionals' may advise you to) because when you do, you get worse. I get tonsillitis. A friend of mine with ME loses her voice. I did lose my voice for a day and a bit - it was brilliant Sign Language practice!

That sneak peek I showed you the other day (the scrapbook page with the butterflies and the machine stitching) isn't finished yet, but I thought I'd show you my favourite bit.

Now off to rest my head.


  1. Oh hun, I'm sorry you're having such an extra rough time. ME sucks enough on its own, without the added "delights" of anything extra. Sending you big hugs and prayers x x x

  2. Hope you feel better soon, Pippa.

  3. It sounds whack. Miss your blogs so get better soon!

  4. I think I remember the last time you felt so awful. Wasn't it a few months back when you had flu and tonsillitis?! Glad you are on the mend now. But you really need to make up for lost time with arty stuff. Leave the house work. Our staff will do it. xxx
