
Monday 4 May 2009

picnik is fun

It's been a while hasn't it?! 

I'll be back with a proper post soon, but for now here's a picture taken by the lovely Mr Pippa, edited using

I like it.

Now, I'm off to have a nap after eating far too many yummy things at my birthday picnic. Cheerio for now!


  1. hope your having a lovely birthday...

    there will be something in the post for you soon...

    and for Jonboy too 'cause I didn't know what to get him for his birthday...

  2. Happy birthday hun! Hope you've had a lovely day, what a lovely pic, you're so pretty!

  3. Hey gorgeous girly, that is a lush pic! Happy Birthday for yesterday...the treat parcel will be winging its way to you asap I promise. x x x

  4. Happy Bday.

    Pipps what do you think of picnik, do you guys like it?

  5. It looks like you had a lovely birthday. I love picnics, especially in May. This is a very sweet photo, too!

  6. Thank you for your birthday wishes :o) Ooo post from Vix and Catherine! Looking forward to it!

    Stephanie: I like Picnik for the basic effects like 1960s and vignette, but I do most of my editing in iPhoto - I just use Picnik for the final fun extras.
