
Tuesday 9 June 2009

last chance

This is your last chance to buy something from my Folksy shop

Well, not ever, just until after the summer. On Saturday, my shop will be 'on holiday' for the summer. If I haven't sold the neck-warmers by then, I think I'll take them to a bricks-and-mortar shop. So, was there anything you were wanting for the summer? Get in there quick!

When my shop re-opens after the summer (possibly end of August, but September is more likely), I'm hoping to have some new things and some different things in there. We'll see :o)

For now, I am super busy with wedding things. Oh, and I have my final British Sign Language exam in less than 2 weeks too. Oh, and I don't have an outfit for the wedding. So I'm kind of busy (hence the shop having a holiday). 
Please excuse me while I run around like a headless chicken...

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