
Thursday 3 December 2009

I don't have time to be doing this

I have many, many things to do. 

But Andrea Joseph's first ever zine arrived in the post today and I am so excited about it! 

As I don't have time to take pictures and upload them, here are a few from the old photobooth.

1. This is my excitement on seeing the envelope. This was after I watched out of the window for a bit, willing the postman to come (which worked) and then opened the door and practically snatched the post from him. He thought I was insane, I'm sure.

I don't know why my lips look so red. Must be the sepia. I only wear make-up to weddings and parties. So, that's twice a year then.

2. The envelope within the envelope. There were tears of excitement by this point.


And that's all your getting for now. There are more pictures on Andrea's blog. (Much, much better photos.)

I've had the teeniest flick through, but I'm going to save this beauty for after the Christmas Market when I can study every beautiful page. 

Right! Back to work!