
Tuesday 2 February 2010

make it yourself {the bunting, that is}

By special request, I'll get these kits into the shop soon.

I only have 7 bunting kits so you'll have to move fast if you want one. I don't think I'll be making more. Certainly not in the next few months anyway.

Don't panic! They're not in the shop yet! I'll let you know when they're up so that you don't have to keep checking the shop every hour.

And if you want one of these before Valentine's Day, move fast.

I'm really unhappy with my blog design at the moment. I'm itching to change it. Ever since I started reading up on design, I'm able to pinpoint what's been bothering me about this layout. I may have to start teaching myself some very very basic html. Anyone know of a good place to start (and don't say college)? But that's not a job for today. No. Today I will be revising some BSL before my level 2 class tonight. Exciting!

1 comment:

  1. i've found many of interesting and nice (and not really nice) layouts just from google, e.g. here: is some. and they're not very easy to put in, just have to edit the html = put the old one away and put the new one in. but if you want make just your own, i'm not very good going to help with that. :D i'm always just using prepared layouts and sometimes i edit them for making it my own and that's quite easy.
