
Saturday 3 April 2010


Is it just me or does this scene cry out 'Britishness'?

There we were, Mr Pippa and me (you do know that his name isn't actually Mr Pippa, right? My first name is Pippa, which is why I refer to him on here as Mr Pippa. Just needed to get that straightened out.) eating our bacon sarnies and drinking tea (a bacon sandwich just isn't complete without a cup of tea, y'know) when...

"WAIT! Put your mug back down... Move your arm out of the way a sec... Hold it..."

I didn't keep him waiting long, don't worry. I really loved the look of it all - the polka dots, the mugs, the bread, the colours. It was a pleasing scene and I'm glad I halted the bacon-eating for a photo.

I have yet to dip my toe into the terrifying unknown that is Photoshop. I have it. I just need someone to show me how to use it.

In other news, I have no tonsils! I had surgery a week ago and today I'm feeling alright, really. 5 and a half days of no speaking (Sign Language to the rescue again!) and a lot of pain (hence no crafting lately), but now, I'm feeling more normal (for someone who has M.E, that is). Throat still hurts a bit, but I'm slowly getting back to the to-do lists. I had planned to make and send Easter cards this year, but I woke up on Wednesday realising that it's Easter this weekend. Yeah, so that never happened. Nor did any Easter crafts whatsoever. But my favourite decorated eggs are still these ones:

(original source unknown)

Have a great weekend, folks.


  1. that egg on the pot really made me laugh!! i'm spending my time lying on the couch under blanket, drinking tea and watching finnish tv program from internet. normal saturday!

  2. hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....

  3. Love your MUG shot! And so sorry to hear you've been recovering from having your tonsils out. Does that mean you get to eat a lot of ice cream? These eggs are hilarious! Hope you had a blessed Easter.

    Edmund would LOVE to make an appearance on your blog. Any photo I've posted you are welcome to. Thanks so much for lovingly creating him, I am so happy to have him, he's brought us a lot of joy. When I hosted this girls tea party I was so please how he was the hit of the party with all the girls.
