
Thursday 29 April 2010

Tobacco Factory, Bristol. Be there.

It's happening! 

I've been invited to have a pitch at the Southbank Arts Trail Art Market (the pitches are invite only, y'know. What an honour!). 

So, Sunday 9th May at the Tobacco Factory* in Bristol, 10am-4pm, Pippa's Long Stockings (that's me. Keep up.) will be there selling some stuff I made.

THAT was the exciting news I was on about in a previous post. 

Sorry about the lack of pictures in this post. I'll make up for it it my next post. You like jewellery, right? Stay tuned. You're in for a treat. 

I'm off to have a cup of tea. Want one? I'll get the kettle on...

*It's not an actual tobacco factory. It was originally a tobacco factory, but now it's a very cool venue for plays and gigs and super cool art markets.

1 comment:

  1. YEAH!!! Get you Mrs Exclusive Arty Person :) (Mrs EAP apparently, good job the words weren't in a slightly different order, or you could've ended up being Mrs APE. Arty Person of Exclusivity or something!)

    Well done lovely xxx
