
Friday 20 August 2010

Folksy loveliness {and a lot of rambling}

I never did tell you about my birthday jewellery, did I?

I stopped myself from looking in Accessorize (although I've been disappointed in their selection lately) and found some beauties at

I must add that I left it a bit late to find something in time for my birthday party. So, although I found earrings and a necklace, I didn't really think they'd arrive in time. But, these are small businesses (who are generally friendlier and more accommodating than big chain stores, but that's just my experience) so I asked both sellers if I could pay a bit extra to have them posted sooner. Neither seller would accept more dosh, but both sellers posted my purchases super speedily and I got them in time for my party. Hooray! What lovely people.

Peacock feather earrings from here.

Pocket watch (should that be all one word?) necklace from here. (Thank you, Zara Taylor - this came so beautifully packaged and was a delight to open!)

Yes, I still have the plastic film on the watch face. I do that. I'm one of those people who will try to keep the film on a mobile phone screen for as long as possible, to keep it nice. Didn't really work out too well for me as a child, though. I'd keep my pencil case clean and graffiti-free, putting blu-tack on the end of my set of compasses to prevent holes being made. Then autumn would come around and I'd look forward to a lovely new pencil case as a reward for looking after last year's one so well. But do you know what would happen? I wouldn't get the new pencil case, because "there's nothing wrong with your old one". I know. There's nothing wrong with it because I kept it clean and nice all year and resisted writing on it or stabbing it. But the girl who mistreated her pencil case gets a new one. She drew on it, made holes in it, got chewing gum on it and painted tip-ex onto it so that she could write on it again. And she's the one who gets the new pencil case. SHE DOESN'T DESERVE A NEW PENCIL CASE.

Ahem. Sorry about that, folks. I'm not sure where that came from. Clearly this time of year brings back memories of buying (or NOT buying) new stationery. But I'm over it. Really, I am. No resentment here. Nope. None.

So, back to the jewellery (I really didn't intend to mention stationery). That pocketwatch (have we decided whether or not it's one word yet?) necklace has proved invaluable in the past couple of months with all of the weddings - I don't want to wear my watch because it's not smart enough, but I need to have a means of checking the time regularly. Pocketwatch necklace to the rescue! And so pretty too. I've found that earrings of the feathery kind are best worn with hair up, otherwise they just get lost in the mass of hair.

Tell me this: why do people comment on how long my hair is after I get a load of it chopped off? It's a mystery.

Could this be the most rambling post I've ever done? I'm off to have a brew.


  1. I know I've told this to you before but I just love the way you write everything! (even if I still don't know how can you do that because normally I don't see difference between people's writing in English.......) That pocket watch necklace looks gorgeous to me. Just few days ago I went to shop where were lots of them (and other lovely stuff too) and I really wanted to buy one (but I left it in the shop).


  2. Love the pocket watch (I'm going for two) necklace AND the rambling in equal measure!

  3. I'm SO with you on the pencil case thing, just so you know! And I love love love the pocket watch necklace, oh my life, it's so fab. Does she have any more?! ;) The earrings are lush too and I know what you mean about the hair down with material earrings thing! Love this post, love having you back in blog land and i just plain love you!

  4. iines: Thank you for the comments on my writing! Nice to know that you enjoy my rambling - I was going to delete it!

    Kate: Hooray for rambling! Yes, I think two separate words, too.

    Vix: Love you! She does indeed have more:)
