
Saturday 8 January 2011

favourite Christmas presents

What? January?! When did that happen? I didn't even have a chance to attempt to fail a 365 photo project. And as for new year resolutions, I'm still not there yet. Has anyone else still got their Christmas decorations up? That's my job for today/this weekend.

So, what did Father Christmas bring you? Interestingly, some of our favourite gifts were the free ones. These are the ones I'm most proud of (or, the ones of which I am most proud):

Yes, bird-watching.

We get quite a variety of birds visiting our garden and, over the last few months, I've noticed an unhealthy interest a love for birds in Mr Pippa that I had never known before. That is to say that he loves birds, not that there are some birds inside Mr Pippa which I love (did he swallow a fly?). I digress.

So, this Christmas, we decided we'd get library books for each other (our reasoning is that if we really want to buy something, it'll be cheaper after Christmas anyway, plus we're trying to go for consumable gifts so as not to add to the clutter).

The plan was to go to the library, split up, find books for each other, take them out, hide them so as not to ruin the surprise, wrap them up and give them to each other on Christmas day. Having made a note of this obsession interest in birds he has, I found these books and gave them, along with some photography and music books, on Christmas day.



  1. What a brilliant gift idea! Love it! You are so sweet and clever! I got Mr M a few wildlife and bird books a few years back, felt a bit middle aged but he really likes them.

    And if it makes you feel any better, we just took our decorations down today, and haven't gotten round to putting them in a box in the attic yet. The living room does look very sad and plain without them though!

  2. I am excited that a pair of red kites have moved into the valley. They are still quite rare here and are spectacular to watch.
    Glad you had a happy Christmas
