
Thursday 11 September 2008

I love your blog

What an award to get! Thank you, Sian for awarding it to me with such lovely words. Thank you.

The rules for those receiving an award are:

1. The winner can put the logo on their blog
2. Link the person you received the award from
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs
4. Put links of those blogs on yours
5. Leave a message on the blogs nominated.

(I know that most of the people I've nominated don't really do 'tagging' and the like, so don't feel obliged to pass it on.)

My nominations are, in alphabetical order:

  • biscuit monster - cool things, funky textile talent and quirkiness which always makes me smile (the banner alone does that)

  • wagonised - she, like Andrea, takes my breath away with her drawings

I'm also discovering new blogs, so look out for added links down the side. 

The unpacking is going well and I'm hoping  to show you pictures of our living room/studio very soon. However, I've been slower than usual because I'm still recovering from the move and catching up on boring house-moving things (like chasing up the thieving estate agent for our deposit). Boring, but tiring. I'll be back to my creative self soon.


  1. Hey!! Thank you so much! I feel so honoured and flattered to see my little chicken up there with the rest!

    Love your blog by the way! xx

  2. Hey Pippa, Thanks for your lovely nomination; I don't want to appear like an ingrate but those who know me, know I am a curmudgeon & don't do the linky love awards or tags, the passing on to five etc, my sidebar is stripped down and bare, too many baubles hurt my eyes. Thanks too for blogging the book, I didn't know, it didn't come up in Google alerts (those only work for my name). Am glad you identified with Helen and felt you had a friend... your sock monkeys are beautiful & your packaging a delight. Stay well. I will link your blog in my blogroll x

  3. Oh Pippa...thank you so very much! I am honored. Truly.

  4. hi pippa, this is very flattering. thank you for sharing my blog; i really appreciate you letting me know :) hugs!
