
Friday 5 September 2008

my first sale!

I've had my first sale! Hurrah!

I wasn't sure what to do about packaging - it's not something I've ever done before; it's not like I could look at other people's Etsy packaging for ideas (it wasn't until after I posted this that I found the 'Etsy Packaging' group on Flickr!). I was satisfied with what I did. That was until today when I got a call from my first customer saying just how much they absolutely LOVED the packaging! Now I am very pleased indeed. Don't you just love feedback like that?!

I gave the monkey a tag with care instructions on it and, of course, my shop name :o)

... and tucked him into his tissue-paper bed.

I wrapped the box and lid in Chinese newspaper, which I think looks very cool.

Tied it up with string...

...and added a thank you tag (which was made from an old London tube ticket) with some stickers to jazz it up a bit.

What do you think? I'm trying to recycle more, which is why I used newspaper and a tube ticket.

There's something very exciting about wrapping something you've made; something that someone has bought. I think I'll enjoy having a shop :o)

I am still working on setting up my Etsy shop (technical problems), but if you'd like to buy anything I've shown on my blog, just get in touch and maybe we can arrange something. Cheerio for now friends!

+edited: for Sian, here's the link to the Etsy Packaging group on Flickr and also the Nice Package group and the Crafty Packages group. Enjoy!


  1. Oh goodness! I think I love the packaging almost as much as the actual product!! What a splendid idea...and you are recycling too! Truly superb.

  2. There is something joyful in packaging an item one has sold (and it is beating from you now btw)

    I think the wrapping is quirky and fun - very you!
    Wishing many more sales to come for you my dear :o)

  3. Oh, any chance of a link to the etsy wrapping group on flikr?

  4. Congrats on you first sale! Your packaging is adorable. Best of luck to you with your shop :-)

  5. Thank you :o) I'm hoping to keep my packaging as 'green' as possible. I think it's a good aim to have.

  6. Looks fantastic! You've put so much effort into it - I think the person who receives this will be thrilled to bit!

  7. The packaging is perfect. How nifty it is to get this in the mail and open it! The little guy in his green wrapping paper matching his colors! AW!

  8. LOVE the packaging. LOVE it. My niece was admiring your long stockings when she came to visit.

    I too am having some hitches with my Etsy shop. The main one is getting my ass into gear!

    Gorgeous stuff, Pip.

  9. I agree, the packaging is is the monkey.
    Congratulations on your first sale!!!

  10. I get all excited when I rap up my sold stuff too...I feel like I'm wrapping christmas gifts for my family.

  11. Everyone's said it already, girl, but that's so cool!! Loving your blog. I know I'm probably reading it in a funny order, but hey, it's all good. I especially love the genius idea of chinese newspaper (where does one get that??) and the tube ticket for recycling. Brilliant. You're fab!!xx

  12. Thank you all so much for your lovely comments - they keep me going!

    Andrea: you were showing your niece my blog?! That is SO cool!

    Vix: Thank you! The Chinese newspaper was actually a real Chinese newspaper. My sister asked a Chinese friend of hers to bring some old newspapers over here so that they could be put to artistic use. It took me a good couple of years but I finally found a use for them!

  13. That's so cool! I have to ask though...did you put the whole thing into another box for mailing? It would've looked fantastic to unwrap, but I imagine would get quite beat up along the way if mailed as is.

    Good luck with your shop!
