
Thursday 16 July 2009

catching up

I went to York this weekend. Very nice it was too. We had afternoon tea in BETTY'S TEA ROOMS. Yum. And on Sunday morning, we were greeted by a marching band as we were leaving the house. Now that really was surreal! I may even show you the video if you're interested.

Also, while we're on the subject of York, my photo of York Minster was chosen for the new Shmap guide! Not a huge deal, but I was still quite pleased. You can see this page here. I just had a look at the page again and realised that there are loads of pictures if you scroll through. Don't feel as special now. Oh well. It's still a fantastic picture, even if I do say so myself.

And this was something I found REALLY EXCITING. I was featured in Donna Downey's newsletter! She was wanting to hear from people who had used book text in their art, so I pointed her to my guitar case, not really expecting any response. BUT SHE ACTUALLY INCLUDED IT IN HER NEWSLETTER! That made me happy.

Did any of you get that newsletter? Did you visit as a result of that newsletter? I'm sure there's some way for me to analyse my stats but it would be nicer to hear from you :o)

Still to come: the rest of that seaside album and the other arty bits I did for the wedding...


  1. Well done! Your guitar case is very cool... you deserve to be recognised for it!

    GLad you are back!

  2. Ooh I love York, I was at uni there. Betty's is amazing, easily one of the best things about York. I'm so jealous you were there!
