
Thursday 3 September 2009

first ever cushion cover

So, remember those lovely fabrics I was telling you about? Well I remembered that I'd managed to get some brand new cushions from Freecycle, in a bag with some zips. Not a bad deal eh? The previous owner had bought them hoping to make some covers but they had been sitting around for ages so she thought she's pass them on to someone who would actually do something with them.

I didn't need to tell you all of that.

Anyway, as I had never made a cushion cover before in my life, I didn't want to ruin these beautiful fabrics, so I went to my 'stash'. Amongst the stash were three tea towels. Why would I have tea towels in my stash? Well, when I got them (ridiculously reduced from Asda), I thought that they would make nice cushion covers. You see where I'm going with this?

First I replaced a grotty cushion cover I've been wanting to throw out for ages. Just your average square cushion cover. I had done it! Within a couple of hours, I had completed my first cushion cover! You see that spotty tea towel? That is now on my sofa, covering a cushion.

I wondered if I could put together another cover using the left-overs of the spotty towel and the stripey towel. It was all coming together: the day had arrived when I would cover the squidgy pillow!

I didn't even cut into the stripey towel. It's even got its Asda label on the inside.

So here they are: my fist two cushion covers. But, flip the stripey one over and...

More spots! And some buttons and ribbon, of course. The ribbon tied around the buttons means that I can open it up and take the cushion out when I need to wash it. Nifty, eh?

Now, onto the really lovely fabrics. I'm scared...

+Edited later the same day:
And after all of that, I didn't even make covers for the cushions I got for nothing! I'm working on it now though...

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