
Tuesday 9 February 2010

pipsqueak joins the band {that's me!}

You may or may not remember that just before Christmas I mentioned that I liked this notebook (alright so "Oh please, someone buy this for me" were my exact words) but I honestly wasn't expecting someone to buy it for me! Vicky: I love you (but, I loved you before you bought it for me - you know that).

I also find it fitting because I've been singing again and have joined a band, of sorts. So Pipsqueak really has joined the band! Love it.

Don't you love those wrist-warmers? I have trouble taking them off. Not because they're badly made but because I love them so much. I do have to take them off to eat though. I've had a couple of fluff-in-the-mouth incidences. Oh dear. Now I've just realised that, in some places, fluff means 'to pass wind'. No, that's not what I mean. You know exactly what I mean so stop being facetious.

Anyway, back to the wrist-warmers. My sister knitted them for me for Christmas! Thanks, sis :)

Job for this week: tidy my desk. There's something I really want to make (well, there are many things I want to make!) and to do that, I need to actually have some desk space. An inch of space would be an improvement on what I currently have.

Ooo don't forget that Wednesday is your final day to order hearts if you want them before Valentine's Day.

Right. I'm going to bed. Cheerio for now! Pippa x


  1. Ah lovely. I always ask for notebooks for my birthday and fancy one just like this next time!

    I like the other notebook too in your previous post you link to. Saw them in Waterstone's last time I was there.

    I just had an idea of what to do with all the book covers I rip pages out of for my packaging!!

  2. YAY :) I love you too little Pipsqueak. I think we're due a chat soon... hope you're enjoying the band ;) xxx
