
Wednesday 12 May 2010

Art Market at Bristol's Tobacco Factory

As I mentioned the other day, I was at the Tobacco Factory this weekend at an Art Market on the Southbank Arts Trail.

It really began on Saturday, when I was getting everything ready, finishing off one more sock animal (that'll need a blog post of its own) and playing about with how best to display it all.

We set off early on Sunday (8am is incredibly early for me). While in the car, I discovered some false eyelashes on my wrist-warmer. But that happens to everyone, right?

What?! I haven't worn false eyelashes since I was 18. Where did that thing come from? I'm still hugely confused. If anyone would like to offer any explanations, that would be great.

By the time we arrived at The Tobacco Factory, I was over the eyelash incident. And that's when I saw a man, wearing trainers and a bin bag (and nothing else), walking down the street.

Just an average day in Bristol.

Back to the Art Market. I liked this sign. Fonts can say so much. This sign tells me that the art and craft market upstairs is full of incredibly cool people selling incredibly cool things. Oh yes.

Inside the venue and we're right back to the obscure again where the lift (aka 'elevator') button is missing its button:

It didn't take us too long to realise that this was an old button and that there was a new, working button (which didn't swallow your fingers) just next to the lift. Added to the humour of the morning though. I must point out that my hand isn't that hairy. That is the hand of a man.

Anyway, back to the market...

The hearts didn't get much attention at all, which surprised me because they were my favourite thing on the stall. If I didn't care about things getting dusty, I'd display them all around the house because I like them so much. But I don't do that.

The neck-warmers got a lot of attention. I think the freezing weather (and the improved presentation!) helped. This one got the most attention:

Which again I find interesting because I like the bluey one on the mannequin best. This lovely olive neck-warmer is now sold. I do have more of this yarn though, so I will be making another one. Eventually. Maybe after the summer, unless someone put in an order.

Again, I was surprised (it seems I know nothing about what people want) that the gift boxes were popular. I always thought that everyone knew how to make them but, when making loads for the wedding last year, I found that people were fascinated by them. I was chatting to one lady about how they are made, but it got a bit too complicated without a demonstration. So, as I promised her, I will do a tutorial for the paper gift boxes on this blog. By this time next month, I will have done a tutorial. Just you wait.

The scarves were tidied up after this photo. Typical, really.

This guy also had a lot of attention, which was nice. He deserves it.

As I mentioned in my post the other day, I had my bag on display (at the Arts Market, not just in my house) and I will also be doing a tutorial on how to make your own bag from carrier bags. Just, be patient. It will happen though.

The bag was another example of me thinking "People like my bag! Nice! But they probably know how to make it so I won't go into detail because they wouldn't be interested in that." Wrong again.

So, it was an alright day. It was nice to hear so much positive feedback. It would have been even nicer if people had been a bit more prepared to spend money (!). I heard a group of people say "Oh look! I've found the prefect gift for Colin! Come and see this! Isn't that just perfect for Colin?" and another said something like, "You're right! That's perfect for Colin! We should get that!", then a third and possibly fourth person said, "Yeah! Get it! Colin would love that!". Then they left.

Colin, I'm sorry. Apparently I sell the perfect gift for you. I don't know what it is, but I bet you would have loved it. Your friends certainly think so. And yet they didn't get it. You know why that is, Colin? They just don't love you enough. Leave them, Colin. Break free! Make new friends!

Clearly I mustn't allow myself to do long blog posts because I start losing it. I think I've spent too much time at the computer today - blogging, tweeting about ME, putting together the sewing tutorial (it's finished, by the way). I'll be back later this week...


  1. I love the way you've described everything here - made me giggle! Your stall looks brilliant. And poor Colin!

  2. Ha ha, poor Colin. But everything does look lush, you certainly know your presentation!

  3. I love your art work, they are just really cool and you have your own special style to make stuff! Made me laugh when you told about that poor Colin. I like your way to write even if I think I couldn't really say that because I don't normally even read English but anyway it's easy to read and I like to read it and enjoy reading it so.

  4. It sounds like you had a crazy day! I love the look of the art market.

    I know Colin and he's really pissed with his so-called friends.

  5. Hehe thanks for your comments! I love that Colin is finally getting the attention he deserves ;)

    Thanks gals! Means a lot :)

  6. I cant help thinking the guy in the black sack is Colin.

  7. It looked like a fantastic day! All your goodies together in one place is spectacular, so much creativity. Loved seeing your sock monkeys huddled together like buddies in a basket all grinning in their own special way. You know how they make me smile. Did I spy an Edmund twin? Thanks for sharing your day with us!!!
