
Wednesday 22 December 2010

11th December {#reverb10: 11 Things}

Prompt: 11 things. What are 11 things your life doesn't need in 2011? How will you go about eliminating them? How will getting rid of these 11 things change your life?

I've been keeping things from you. I've been keeping many, many things from you.

Some of you may have had a browse at photos of my home, or seen some nice bits here on the blog.

It's not all like that. 

Every time I take a photo in my home, I hide things from you. Here are just a few.

Yes, my 11 Things post is basically a load of stuff I want to get rid of.

1. [See picture 1] An old broken iMac
2. [See picture 1] An old broken eMac
3. [See picture 1] Those curtains in the spare room
4. [See picture 2] Those curtains in the utility room. The plastic hooks are too old to move anymore, so if you try to open the curtains more than halfway, they snap. And, well, there's no need to comment on the visual aesthetics of the curtains.
5. [See picture 3] The light. The thing is, we have a beautiful light. But, it's so much hassle to put up and when you're in a rented house, you never really know how much longer you've got. In the house, not how much longer you have to live. Blimey that would be tense.
6. [See picture 4] My old, broken iMac*.
7. Old leads which serve no purpose.
8. I can't remember what number 8 was.
9. This one might have been to paint that delightful polystyrene ceiling rose in picture 3.
10. Craft supplies I'm never going to use.
11. [See picture 5] Jewellery making stuff. I seem to lose all creativity when I'm confronted with beads and stuff, so this will be finding a new home soon.

I did have visions of having a different picture for each of the 11 things I want out of my life so that I'd have a cool-looking mosaic thingy. But then when I realised that most of the things are quite ugly, I decided that the fewer the photos the better.

* Interestingly, this post has prompted Mr Pippa to have another go at fixing this. By the time I finished this post (it did take me a few days - energy reserves have been low), that old Mac made its way to Mr Pippa's desk. Perhaps it will leave the premisses during 2011. That would be nice.

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