
Thursday 23 December 2010

Super Easy Fudge

So, you've left it incredibly late to get a Christmas present. Fear not. It's not too late to make something. No, really.

Here's a recipe for some really simple fudge. (I had never made fudge before making this. This recipe caused me to say, "I'm just going to quickly make some fudge before we leave the house". Who says that?! Me. And so might you. In fact, you could say it now if there's no-one around. Go on. Let me know how it goes.)

What you will need:
300g white chocolate
200ml sweetened condensed milk
2 teaspoons of vanilla extract
greaseproof paper
a dish or baking tin

[Line your baking tin or dish or whatever with greaseproof paper before you start heating the ingredients, to avoid a panic when it comes to stage 3.]

1. Chuck the condensed milk and white chocolate into a saucepan and heat on a medium heat until the chocolate has melted (don't stress if it's not all melted. What's the worst that will happen? You'll have bits of chocolate in your fudge. Disaster).

2. Remove it from the heat and add the vanilla essence. Stir it in well.

3. Pour the mixture into the dish and put the dish into the fridge to cool for about 4 hours. If it seems too soft, leave it for a bit longer. Leave it overnight if you like.

4. Lift the block of fudge out of the dish (it should be easy if you lined it with greaseproof paper) and onto a chopping board.

5. Chop it into whatever size or shape bits you want.


It really was that simple.

Would you like to see how I wrapped mine? Have a look here.

To make Turkish Delight fudge, replace the vanilla essence with rose water flavouring (I could only find rose flavouring in Waitrose) and add a bit of pink food colouring.
To make peppermint fudge, replace the vanilla essence with peppermint flavouring and add some green food colouring.
To make almond fudge, replace the vanilla essence with almond flavouring and add some chopped almonds.


  1. I officially love you. I have tried to make fudge using the conventional methods of sugar and candy thermometers and every time I make either toffee or tablet, once I just made runny goo. I love this idea because it is minimal effort and I probably can't mess this one up- hurray!

  2. YIPPEEEE! This pleases me greatly :)
