Monday, 17 March 2008


Here's a drawing I did today. I've been feeling really rough today, so focusing my attention on drawing helped to take my mind off things. Also, I love the feelings of accomplishment I get when I've actually got something to show for my day (apart from clean clothes - they only get dirty again anyway!).


  1. I like your sketches. You'll feel so great once you get your hair done. I went like six months without a hair cut/highlight and it felt awesome to have it done again. Just sharing random info! lol

  2. Sorry to hear you are not feeling so good. But at least J got you flowers and you did something with your day.
    Hope you feel better soon

  3. I love when people surprise you's an affirmation of the kindness you don't see in everyone on a daily basis, but should.

    P.S. I posted a couple of the artcards sans acrylic paint.

  4. Hey Pippa

    Thanks for cheering crafty lady

    Love your sketch

    Am in the USA and am having so much inspiration for designing it is great
